Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Heart Candy Math

Thank you for sending the Conversation Hearts to school! We had a great time estimating, counting, sorting, and graphing the candies. Before we opened the boxes, kids estimated how many candies they thought were in the box. Guesses ranged from 2-100. After writing down our estimations, we counted the candies. We talked about how difficult it is to simple count a pile of candies. Instead, we moved the candies to a separate pile as we counted, practicing one to one correspondence. Then came the sorting. We sorted by color.

We recorded the number of hearts we had in each color. Of course, we had to read the color words, which was great practice.

Then came the graphing. We discussed how graphs give us a great visual for seeing which color has the most or the least. I'm glad the picture, below, wasn't from my box of candy. Whites and pinks are my favorites!

We documented our work before we tasted the candies.

This was the most excited the kids have been about math all year! It's pretty fun to see them so engaged in a playful learning opportunity like this.
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