
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ceramic Gingerbread Man Spoon Rest

Hopefully, all of our little gingerbread men made it home in one piece!  The kids had a fabulous time making this project for you.  It was a great first-time ceramic experience for our classroom.  We are lucky enough to have a kiln at our school and we do 2 or 3 projects each year.  This little spoon rest was project #1.

We started by drawing a gingerbread man, using a tracer.  Then I asked kids to draw a face, icing, buttons, etc.  This was a good practice, just to get the kids thinking about what a gingerbread man looks like, his characteristics, and how they want their gingerbread guy to look.

After rolling, cutting, and drawing features onto clay, we dried and fired the gingerbread men.  Then came the glazing.

Kids painted their features and then we fired them again.

Our frosted gingerbread men turned out so cute!  I hope you like them as much as we do.

Happy Winter Break!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! What did you use to dry the clay on so that it was curved?
