
Friday, May 11, 2012

Pop! Blowing Bubbles in Kindergarten

I absolutely love the month of May, in kindergarten.  The kids are becoming confident readers and writers. They know they expectations of school and work hard to do their best.    Poetry writing begins in May as well.  It's a time for kids to have fun and write!  I have always found that this unit is the most freeing for young writers. 

Today's poetry experience involved this book:

and these bubbles:

The book came from Barnes and Noble and the bubble set came from Lakeshore Learning, in Bellevue (and online).

Before reading the book, I asked the kids if they had ever had any experiences with bubbles.  Of course, their hands shot into the air.  They all wanted to share their bubble stories. We took time to share and time to "turn and talk" to tell their friends about the stories.  I reminded the kids that because they had played with bubbles before, they had schema for bubbles.  We read the book and kids shared lots of connections they made.

Then came the fun part.  It was a gloriously sunny day, so we went outside for some bubble blowing fun!


After a little bit of free exploration time, I asked the kids to do the same activity, but this time use their writers' eyes.  We talked about using our senses (but not tasting the bubbles) as we made observations.  There were comments about how you could see a rainbow inside of the bubbles, and how far away some of the bubbles floated before popping, and the different sizes of bubbles we were able to make.

When we went inside, the poetry began spilling out. 

"BIG bubbles started into small bubbles.
All bubbles
Pop on the roof"

"Bubbles are shiny.
I like popping bubbles.
I like chasing bubbles.
I like to blow bubbles."

I can't wait to share more of their poetry as kids continue working on these pieces.

I'm so happy to be back in the classroom.  I've been home resting for quite a while.  I won't know for 3 more months if I have any permanent kidney damage, but for now, I'm just thankful to be feeling better every day.  Thank you for your support and understanding while I've been in and out of the classroom and recovering from my surgeries. 
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