
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Baking Up Some Zucchini

Our cooking project of the week was baked zucchini.  We made this recipe on Wednesday and wrote about it on Thursday.  I was pleasantly surprised at how many of the kids said they really liked this!

I sliced the zucchini and put it into a Ziploc bag.  We sprayed some olive oil on the zucchini slices and then added the yummy stuff.  We sprinkled in a little Parmesan cheese, some bread crumbs, a little bit of all purpose seasoning, and a pinch of salt.  We zipped up the bag and shook it like crazy.  (Of course, the kids loved this part!)

We baked them at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, and snack was ready.  The kids loved these and even asked for seconds!  We're not quite done writing about this recipe, so I'll share it when we finish up.

Happy cooking!
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  1. Hi Becca,
    I am relatively knew to blogging myself, I just started this august. A few things i found helpful to getting more viewers: I linked up my blog everytime I commented on someone's posts, I participated in Someone New Sunday at Kinder Kraziness, I added my blog to the blog links at TPT, Teachers Notebook and Teaching Blog Addict.

    I linked up to your kindergarten blog in my most recent blog post so hopefully you get some traffic from me as well :)


  2. Hi Becca! Glad you found my blog so that I could find yours! You have so many fun things! I LOVE the labels you have for your book baskets!

    Was reading Rachelle's post and she had some great advice to get your blog more views. I'm pretty new at it too (I think I started in October) but one thing I find that really attracts followers is FREEBIES! We teachers love them SOOO much! :)

    You have a great blog! I'll mention you in my post tomorrow also and hopefully get you a little more traffic.

