
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Working With Clay

We have worked with clay in kindergarten, but one thing we don't have is a potter's wheel.  There is a studio in Lynnwood, called Kids N Clay.  It's one of those ceramic painting places, but on Friday afternoons from 3-8pm they open up their potter's wheels.

The cost was $24 for two balls of clay. They allowed us to divide the clay however we wanted.  Each of my kids got to make their own bowl out of their clay ball. I didn't think $12 per child was too bad for an afternoon of art. ($24 divided by 2 kids.)
The lady who owns the studio was a terrific teacher. We went with two other friends, and the teacher spent one on one time with each of the kids.  She explained what to do, why they needed to do certain things, and the names of the different techniques.

In the end, the kids each had a different bowl with very different looks.

We didn't even need to wait for the clay to dry.  We just went right over to the painting table. 

Kids N Clay called today, to say that our bowls are ready to be picked up.  I can't wait to see how they turned out!

If you're looking for a fun Friday afternoon activity, this is a good one!  All of the kids LOVED it!  I was very impressed too.
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