
Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Art Atelier

Here is a picture of the nook outside of my classroom. This is what the space looked like last week.  There were four ancient computers.  Day after day, the space was unused and quite dull.

Here's our space now, with a little help from a few teachers.  I've been taking a class on creating playful spaces for children.  We have been discussing a place called Reggio Emilia, Italy.  The Reggio Emilia approach has also become a philosophy of education.  I was inspired by the art atelier, which was created in each school.  It was a common learning area, set aside for artistic expression and creativity. 

We have space for children to come work.

We use lots of natural materials as inspiration.

We have an area to display art work.

Many teachers donated supplies, books, and resources to make this space come to life.

It's a beautiful area.  One of the 4th graders said it felt more like a home, rather than a school. 

We'd love your help!  We would like to incorporate lots of natural materials into our supply bins.  I have been pressing flower petals and collecting twigs.  I stopped by my local florist and asked for any "past their prime" flowers they may be willing to donate.  If you have any flowers, we'd love the petals when the flowers begin to fade.  We would also love to have some flowering cherry branches to include in the area.  If you have some in your yard, we'd love to have some!

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