
Kindergarten School Supply List

Kindergarten Supplies – To be brought to Meet the Teacher, on September 1st
*24 pencils – Please sharpen before sending them to school
*Regular-size backpack (large enough to hold 9x12 papers)
*1 box of standard Crayola Twistable crayons
*1 box of regular-size Kleenex
*12-24 WHITE glue sticks (Costco sells and economical 24 pack)
*2 containers of baby wipes
*1 package of inexpensive white paper plates
*1 two inch, 3 ring binder (WHITE with a clear plastic cover)
*1 pair of Fiskars scissors (sharp tip)
*1 pink pearl eraser
*1 box of Ziplock bags
Last names ending in: A-I quart size, J-R gallon size, S-Z snack size.
*1 Scholastic Magazine subscription (more info to come in September)
*If you would like to donate a package of scrapbook paper, we would appreciate it! We use the paper to make books throughout the year.
These items are community supplies, so there is no need to label each one with your child’s name. However, the following items DO need names: 3 ring binder, lunch box, backpack, and jackets.
Please supply an extra set of clean clothes in your child’s backpack. They should stay there throughout the entire year. Accidents happen, even if it is just falling in a puddle at recess.